9/23 패치된 1.1.2 패치의 번역본입니다.
Added a new set of 13 Item Add-Ons
13개의 애드온 신규추가
Added a new set of 10 Offerings
10개의 오퍼링 신규추가
Added a new set of 29 Power Add-Ons
29개의 파워애드온(살인마용) 추가
Added 9 new Item variations.
9건의 아이템 변화
New Survivor Customization Items Available (80s Pack DLC)
80년대 스타일 생존자 커스터마이징 아이템
New Killer Customization (Weapons)
새 살인마 커스마이징(무기)
Added a reservation step prior to joining a Lobby (making sure there’s a spot available prior to transitioning)
As survivors, interval of ranks for which you are searching will not expand anymore (expansion is limited to Killers)
Searching for games now will search non-stop until a game is found (this can be cancelled out of)
Added a toggle button for the Chat in Lobby & Tally (display / hide)
Added automatic sorting of Items, Add-Ons & Offerings in the Inventory (by Compatibility, Rarity and then Name)
매치메이킹에서 로비에 진입하기 전 예약 단계 추가
매치메이킹에 랭크 차이가 비슷한 살인마와 만나게 된다.
매치메이킹 실패를 안뜨게 만듬.
찾을 때까지 계속 매칭 찾는중이라고 뜸 (매칭 찾는중에 취소하기 가능)
로비나 게임 종료 후 기록창에서 대화 표시/숨기기 가능
인벤토리 내에 있는 아이템 등급 / 알파벳 순서로 정렬 가능
Added a bear trap immunity period after exiting a trap or being dropped by the killer (a player can’t be trapped for a certain period of time after either of these interactions)
트랩탈출, 또는 트래퍼에게서 탈출(등에 메여있다가 탈출)했을때 일정시간동안 트랩에 면역이 생김
Added a new mechanic that causes windows to become blocked for a short duration if a survivor uses the same window too frequently in a short period of time (only visible and blocked for the Survivor)
어느 생존자가 짧은기간의 시간동안 특정 창문을 자주 이용하면 그 생존자가 해당 창문을 잠시 사용못하게됨
Adjusted spawning proximity values (reduce the chance of spawning in clumps of Survivors)
초반에 생존자끼리 너무 붙어서 스폰되는점 수정
Adjusted the recovery time for Survivors in dying state (recovery in dying state is now twice as fast)
죽어가는 생존자의 회복시간 조정 (죽어가는 생존자를 치유할경우 치유속도가 두배 빨라진다)
Implemented additional interactivity between the Flashlight and the Nurse (Flashlight can interrupt charge & chain blinking and cause a stun)
손전등으로 너스의 특수기능을 방해가능 (너스의 점멸 충전과 연속 점멸을 방해할수잇음)
Rebalanced Map & Flashlight Scoring Values
지도와 손전등의 점수획득을 조정함
Some Nurse Addons have been rebalanced (Pocket Watch, Wooden Horse, Bad Man’s Keepsake, Catatonic Boy’s Treasure)
너스 애드온 조정함 (Pocket Watch, Wooden Horse, Bad Man’s Keepsake, Catatonic Boy’s Treasure)
Stillness crows (level crows) do not fly off anymore when a Survivor crouches or crouch walks
생존자가 앉거나 앉아서 이동시 까마귀가 반응하지 않음.
Survivors being healed from the crawling state are not animated anymore (makes it more difficult for the Killer to identify this through Outlines, like with Deerstalker)
사슴 사냥꾼퍽이 생존자가 치유받을때 앉아있는 모습으로 실루엣이 보이지 않게됨 (엎드려서)
The Nurse “Nurse’s Calling” Perk range has been reduced
너스 콜링 퍽의 범위가 감소함
The Nurse base blink amount has been reduced from 3 to 2
너스 살인마(간호사)의 점멸이 3회에서 2회로 너프
The Nurse base movement speed has been reduced
너스의 이속이 너프됨
BUG FIXES (버그 번역 생략)
Disabled V-Sync while the game is in Windowed Full Screen (default) mode (should provide a performance increase in various circumstances)
Fixed an issue which caused “Prove Thyself” to remain active even if the wielder of the perk would die or disconnect
Fixed an issue which caused “Whispers” & “Spies from the Shadows” to trigger on dead & disconnected survivors
Fixed an issue which caused disconnected Survivors to count towards sacrifice achievements
Fixed an issue which caused hair (and other dynamically animated geometry) to get stuck in various buildings (Asylum, Shack)
Fixed an issue which caused part of The Wraith head’s geometry to be visible in first person when walking while invisible
Fixed an issue which caused players to stand-up after vaulting when crouched
Fixed an issue which caused survivors to jitter when put on the hook (usually the first time)
Fixed an issue which caused survivors to spawn with default customization items when accepting an invite from outside the game
Fixed an issue which caused the “Shroud of Separation” & “Should of Binding” offerings to not have any effect
Fixed an issue which caused the bear trap to change position & orientation every time the killer would step on it
Fixed an issue which caused the Flashlight Stun Drop to not be triggered while hooking up and picking up a Survivor
Fixed an issue which caused the Killer’s intro sequence to not play (which in turn caused part of the killer’s head geometry to stay visible during gameplay)
Fixed an issue which caused the killer matchmaking to search for a wider range of ranks after survivors would join a Lobby
Fixed an issue which caused the Nurse to move too quickly when holding a Survivor
Fixed an issue which caused the Pallet Stun Drop to not be triggered if the survivor was wiggling on the killer’s shoulder
Fixed an issue which caused the players to be transitioned to paradise but to still be considered in the game
Fixed an issue which could cause a survivor do dies instantaneously on the hook if another survivor would cancel the unhook interaction
Fixed an issue which made it impossible for some people to type in chat because of invalid characters in their Steam Name (specifically “&”, “<”, “>”)
Fixed an issue which made it impossible for the Hillbilly to chainsaw a crouching survivor down a hill
Fixed an issue which made it impossible to activate the Memento Mori from certain directions
Fixed an issue which made it possible for a survivor to get stuck on a loading screen when accepting a lobby invite while the last spot is getting taken
Fixed an issue which made it possible for players to keep using the flashlight when getting injured to the dying state
Fixed an issue which made it possible for players to skip the end of the sabotage interaction by dropping an item
Fixed an issue which made it possible for some interactions to be activated through a collision
Fixed an issue which made it possible for the Hillbilly to bump up a collision when colliding with the chainsaw
Fixed an issue which made it possible for the Nurse to blink on top of pallets
Fixed an issue which made it possible for the Nurse to interrupt during the blink cooldown phase
Fixed an issue which made it possible to obtain boldness points if another survivor would disconnect on the hook
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